Dive Coaching
Support towards your scuba diving goals & to tackle barriers in your way of the diving you want to do.
Coaching and/training in psychological skills may be useful for a range of concerns about performance and enjoyment of scuba diving. I offer a tailored coaching service to help scuba divers overcome barriers.
All services are offered via online video call.
Specialist approach including advanced techniques
Fully private practice, confidential service.
Book online and get calendar reminders.
Throughout a diver's career it's not unusual to develop blocks to progress. These are often experienced as nerves or anxiety about specific situations, skills or procedures. I offer highly specialised approaches to breaking down such blocks.
Apprehension about certain diving environments (e.g. wrecks, caves, depth).
Triggers for stress and emotional reactivity (e.g. frustrations and annoyances).
Performance anxiety related to skills or procedures (e.g. DSMB, mask skills, etc.).
How much time have you invested in your scuba diving skills, taking courses etc.? These skills are absolutely important, however, there are other skills - ones that don't usually get covered in scuba training.
Regulation of emotion & attention
Coping with uncomfortable feelings or situations
Setting and maintaining personal boundaries.
If diving is an important activity in your life, you probably have things you would like to do. This can bring up various personal challenges, and it may help to have support and build your own non-technical skills.
Depth progression & advancing diving
Skills in emotion regulation & personal boundaries
Lifestyle & fitness changes outwith diving.
Start with an hour and discuss what you need
Commit and save with the time-based packages
Secure online payment
Book one session at a time, or block book an amount of time and split into several sessions. If it is your first appointment, 60 minutes is recommended.
Brief Background